Professional Development Seminar Series – Earn CEU’s

A series of seminars for the engineering community based upon “real-world” experiences.

Who Should Attend?
These courses were developed for practicing Design, Sales and Consulting Engineers involved in supplying standby power to commercial, industrial, municipal, data and health care facilities.

Course Design
These seminars are designed to be conducted over a 90-minute period. Ideally, they can be conducted as an early morning breakfast meeting or over an extended lunch hour. This minimizes the impact on individual productivity within your firm.

Continuing Education Units
Participants who successfully complete an individual seminar and achieve a passing score on the associated final assessment will be awarded 2 Professional Development Hours (PDH) and .2 Continuing Education Units (CEU).

GPS – 100 Generator Sizing

Presents methods and calculations for proper
sizing of engine-generators. Explores the alternator and engine responses to different types of loads. Presents different techniques to optimize engine-generator performance.

Load types covered:

  • Limitations of traditional generator sizing programs
  • Dealing with load uncertainty in new construction
  • Recognizing leading power factor pitfalls

GPS – 110 Generator Switching

Discusses performance criteria used to select transfer switches to connect engine-generator power into loads. Explores different grounding considerations and techniques for different applications, plus the selection of overcurrent protection and transfer switch controls.

Switch types covered:

  • Open transition
  • Soft loading
  • Closed transition
  • Paralleling switchgear
  • Bypass Isolation

GPS – 120 Paralleling Concepts & Implementation

Introduces generator paralleling and basic concepts of paralleling engine-generators to form larger power systems. Emphasizes paralleling controls for load sharing (real and reactive power), synchronization and protection of paralleled systems. Discusses control integration, elimination of serial reliability paths and the advantages of parallel power systems over traditional single engine-generator solutions. And so much more!

GPS – 130 Understanding Generator Reliability

Explores strategies for value engineering projects through utilization of best available technologies and innovations without sacrificing overall power system reliability. Provides guidelines for selection of the system best suited to meet the project’s cost, reliability and performance criteria. Establishes measures for determination of reliability and provides tools to establish reliability criteria for overall engine-generator power system.

GPS – 140 National Electrical® Code (NEC®)

Presents reasons for standby power generation from the Electrical Code perspective. Explains the various articles and requirements covering standby power generation.

Articles covered:

  • 225 – Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders
  • 240 – Overcurrent Protection
  • 250 – Grounding and Bonding
  • 445 – Generators
  • 517 – Health care Facilities
  • 695 – Fire Pumps
  • 700 – Emergency Systems
  • 701 – Legally Required Standby Systems
  • 702 – Optional Standby Systems
  • 705 – Interconnected Electrical Power

GPS – 150 Generator UL Listing & NFPA Standards

Introduces Underwriters Laboratories’ (UL) standards and the impact of those standards for standby power generation; including the engine-generator set and transfer switch. Discusses specific NFPA standards and application/installation details for health care, life safety, and fire pumps.

GPS – 160 Generator Provisioning & Installation

Examines engine-generator configurations and the selection of optional items such as block heaters, base tanks, enclosures, etc. Explores standard configurations versus custom options that may be required based on site-specific criteria.

Introduces good design practice guidelines for the installation of engine-generator sets based on site and application specific details. Emphasizes cooling system selection, unit placement, piping requirements, etc.

GPS – 170 Engines & Alternators

Introduces engines and engine technologies used in design and implementation of standby power generation. Discusses fuel types, selection, design criteria for standby generator engine selection and testing required to prototype and validate a product. Outlines terminology and performance expectations of the engine-generator alternator. Identifies construction methods, temperature rise criteria and the fault capacities of alternators. And so much more!

GPS – 180 Controls

Discusses the impact of engine-generator controls and the evolution of those controls from simple analog designs to fully integrated digital platforms.
Reviews integrated paralleling control technology and fully explore all paralleling functions.

GPS – 190 Writing Performance-Based Generator Specifications

Presents techniques for effective performancebased specifications for engine-generator sets, generator accessories and transfer switches without manufacturer specific language.

Provides tools for writing specifications and general guidelines applicable to typical standby power generation applications.

GPS – 200 Genset Fuel (Gas vs Diesel)

Examines the generator market by fuel type and fuel reliability (natural gas vs. diesel). Explores the gas engine technology, generator site and installation concerns followed by a discussion on the total cost of ownership.

Contact us to get started with your PDSS.

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